Dear colleagues,
the 13th SampTA (Sampling Theory and Applications) conference will be held at University of Bordeaux, France, July 8-12 2019.
The plenary speakers are
Alexandre d'Aspremont (ENS Paris, France)
Bubacarr Bah (AIMS, South Africa)
Marcin Bownik (U. Oregon, USA)
Massimo Fornasier (T.U. Munich, Germany)
Anna Gilbert (U. Michigan, USA)
Rémi Gribonval (INRIA Rennes, France)
Urbashi Mitra (U. South California, USA)
Ursula Molter (U. Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Nikhil Srivastava (UC Berkeley, USA - to be confirmed)
Pierre Vandergheynst (EPFL, Switzerland)
and there will be 8 invited sessions
Compressed sensing and low-rank matrix recovery (Felix Kramer & Richard Kueng)
Deep learning (Misha Belkin & Mahdi Soltanolkotabi)
Frame theory (John Jasper & Dustin Mixton)
Graph signal processing (Karlheinz Gröchenig & Isaac Pesenson)
Low-rank and missing data imputation (Laura Balzano & Rod Little)
Phase Retrieval (Tom Goldstein & Irène Waldspurger)
Quantization (Sjoerd Dirksen & Rayan Saab)
Time-frequency analysis (Antti Haimi & José-Luis Romero)
The conference focuses on such fields as signal processing and image processing, information theory, control theory, real analysis and complex analysis, harmonic analysis.<
For more details, consult the web page
If you wish to present your work at SampTA, you are invited to submit a 4 page maximum article from mid-november to
through the EDAS System. The final refereed version (of 4 pages maximum) will be published in the conference proceedings on ieee-xplore.
Best regards
The organizing committee (Jean-François Aujol, Andreas Hartmann, Philippe Jaming, Karim Kellay)